Still Waiting for Delivery

Presented at the 18th Session of the United Nations Commission of Sustainable Development, 2010

The 18th UN Commission on Sustainable Development called for a review of progress on the implementation of 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development’s mandate to develop a 10- year framework of programs on sustainable consumption and production. Still Waiting for Delivery was ISF's contribution to this review from a civil society perspective. This report draws from a wide range of views and perspectives from different parts of civil society, compiled within a single narrative, a single snapshot looking back over the past decades. One objective of Still Waiting is to remind us and policymakers of the discussions and understandings that have already taken place, lessons learned, reminders of promises and commitments made years ago, perhaps forgotten but nevertheless embedded in our history. Our task is to not lose this history but build upon it. Still Waiting for Delivery draws on a series of interviews and discussions as well as responses to an open-ended questionnaire about progress and possible programs to further progress, the lively exchanges and recommendations produced by the NGO Forum at the 2007 International Experts Meeting on the 10 Year Framework in Stockholm, the nine major group papers submitted to the CSD, the many meetings and reports organized by the Marrakech Process Secretariat at UNEP and UNDESA, as well as the rapidly expanding research and analysis addressing the many facets of production, consumption and the quest for sustainable economies taking place around the world, both in and outside of governments and the United Nations.

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